Family. Focused. Planning.

Tillson Law P.C.

Real Estate

Tillson Law P.C. assists clients in many different types of real estate transactions.  As part of a well-rounded practice, our attorneys work hard with our real estate clients to make sure that the work they do is consistent with every clients’ estate planning and business needs.

Our attorneys frequently advise clients about the practicalities and pitfalls of transferring ownership of their property to their children, either outright or by adding their children as joint owners of real property.  For many of our clients, their real property is not only monetarily their most valuable asset, but also emotionally. 

Often times our clients have a vested interest in their property.  They built their homes on it, worked the land, planted trees, picked berries, and raised their children on the property. Passing that legacy on to their children, in a manner consistent with the client’s values, is possibly more important than the dollar figure attached to the transaction. 

After thorough discussions with our clients, our attorneys are able to advise clients concerning a myriad of issues that arise in these types of family transactions, ranging from transferring property with a low basis to giving your property to children with creditor issues – or the potential to have creditor issues.

In addition to transferring real property to future generations, we have helped clients negotiate and prepare commercial building leases, U.S. Forest Service leases, sale agreements and escrow instructions, easements, and shared well agreements.